It has a cool garden which I am gonna play in next summer. It's full of flowers, tomatoes and grapes and nifty places to hide. We get chickadees, skunks and raccoons and the occasional coyote passing through.
This is the indside and where I have mostly been hanging out. Can you see my groovy 4-tiered diaper cake that Tita Lara made for me? It has 200 rolled nappies in it... that should be about two afternoon's workload for Daddy. Squeeze it girl!!
You can see it again behind Noa's Mum in this photo. Noa's Mum might well look pleased to be holding me, but I am busy soaking her. She was very nice about it, but gave Daddy some pointers on his nappy technique so it doesn't happen again in the future. Hahahaha how I laughed. OK so I am signing off now. Gotta go and hang with ma crew...
Maya D-T
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