Honestly, you ask a man to do a baby's job and it all goes pear shaped. So I gets the blog all ready to go yesterday before bed and ask Daddy to hit send for me and he loses the whole post. All the gear and no idea. Still he is mostly pretty good at doing my bidding. Anyways, backs to me blogs...
We went for a spin in Dad's ride the other day. We didn't crash, burn anyone off at the lights and he doesn't do any of the Tokyo drift stuff, so I went to sleep for most of it. In the middle they did take me out of the car to have some doctor stick a cold stethascope on me and point bright lights in my eyes. Not good and I told them so as loudly as I could. The rest of the trip was uneventful...
...but I was sporting this tee from Tita Jules. You know it girl! Thanks Tita. Respect. Oooh look here I am wearing it again while in Mummy's arms. Mummy is doing a great job of feeding me impressing all the doctors and nurses with my weight gain. It's great being congratulated on gaining weight... it won't last so I shall enjoy it as long as I can.
This week, being my first, as you might imagine, has been full of firsts. Amongst other firsts, there was my first time home, my first nappy, my first road trip and of course not forgetting my first meltdown. Here we are doing another first; my first stomping my manor. We went for coffee and cake at the cedar cottage coffee shop. Daddy is sporting the standard Daddy apparel of Baby Bjorn, funky shades and super hip little chick (that's me by the way).Another first was Skyping cousin Thomas (junior). He's one month older than me and was fast asleep... come to think of it, so was I. LOL. Still my folks and his folks coo-cooed at us while we slept. It must be the lack of sleep or something that makes 'em act so soft in the head. There was also the first 'baby-off' with Amori and Tito Aldo. I think they win hands down with Amori's hair! We'll be back!
Time for more sleep. Signing off for now...
the self-styled...
Lady Missy Maya D-T xx
i think in a few weeks they will both be able to be on fair ground on the hair-pulling game... and in no time, maya will be longer than amori too!
LOL... we shall see Amori my friend, we shall see.
You still up for giving our old folks lechon on Sunday?
Darling Maya
Can't wait to see you next week
Tita sarka Tito Phillip, Thomas and grand tita Suzy are all here admiring your photos and making a fuss of Thomas.
hi Andy, Sam and Maya
will try to give you a csll when you are all at home.
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