I am pleased to annouce that despite everything that was thrown at us from broken aeroplanes and crappy car hire, I was good as gold on the way to Yookay to see my Lola and Granny and a zillion other peeps and luvvies.
We arrived at Tita Jules and Tito Rob's swanky pad in the very big city of London and were all chuffed to see two of my godparents-to-be waiting to meet us, even though we were really late. Judging by their slurring (and stinky breath) I think Mama and Papa got into to the spirit of things right from the moment they walked through the door!!!
Early the following morning we headed out of London to Lola Mila's, which took us into the beautiful English countryside, which was covered in crisp, clear winter sunshine. It was great to see Lola Mila again and catch up. The next day was my Christening. Apparently I gave the perfect performance, so everyone gave me loads of great gifts. Naturallly my favourite was the champagne ...dahling!!
Lola Mila had planned a party and made me a cake. Here it is...
...can you believe it, it was part of Mama & Papa's wedding cake!!! I felt very special. Tita Jules looked after me really well all afternoon (Check out Tita Jules' blog report with photos too by clicking the link). Here's Mama, Papa and my English godparents (EJ, Sophie, Mama, Papa, James).

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