Trick or Treat
It was treat time for me on Halloween, as Tito Rene and Tita Lara came over dressed as a British Bobby and witch, respectively.
They brought my new b.f.: Frankie. He's only a helium balloon, but he's mine and I like to hang with him. Well maybe I just lie there and gorm up at him with dribble running down the side of my cheeks while he just hangs there waiting for the heating to start blowing air at him again.
We had quite a few trick-or-treaters and the old folks made a couple of scary pumpkins and put up ghosts, ghouls and spiders to try and scare the kids. Not a chance! Every single one of them, including the teenagers, had one single thing on their mind: treats. Daddy says next year he's going to wear his ubiquitous gold silk dressing gown and be Hugh Hefner - this is the same item previously featuring as Dracula, Gengis Khan and Dorian Gray. Hmm not sure how well that will be received as he answers the door to young children offering them 'treats'. Hopefully he will have forgotten by then.
Speaking of dressing up, this was Dad's idea of humour! Apparently I look like Oliver Hardy! Just to be sure, my own father, made a little square moustache for me! My own father!!!!!!!!!

...oops no that is Oliver Hardy. This is me:
I was speechless too! Thanks Dad! You'll be hearing from my lawyers just as soon as I am old enough. grrr
From now on, any costumes will HAVE to be approved by me first.
signing out,Missy Maya DT