There was quite a troupe gathered over the days after Christmas with 10 of us actually staying at the house and with many visitors besides, there was a continuous stream of new people to play with.
We had flown in from the West Coast of Canada, Hong Kong, Czech Republic and Scotland to have one of our rare meet-ups. Papa had all his siblings together with most of their offspring...

...but one person was missing from making this complete. Unfortunately O.J. had to work. Daddy says he's really nice too and he's worth the wait. Anyway, here are all the girls Papa loves so much. Look at me, I'm smallest by 5 years.
...I also got to meet my two cousins Tom. That's me with Tom Sr in the first photo and here I am with Tom Jr. He's just one month older than me.
...I even got to meet the Real Doctor and Alison and Papa's other godmother, Anna-Maria. Here Anna-Maria and I are hanging out in the kitchen.

Even though it was short, it was such fun hanging out with everyone. One day Olive dressed up as a magical fairy princess...

Mama thought that was hysterical.
I wonder why she thought that was so funny??
Maya D~T